Do I Really Really Need a Real Estate Agent?

Gary Smith - Home Inspector - Picture of House on Money

Let’s cut to the chase…unless you’re ready, willing, and able to do and have ALL of the following: Locate potential property. Schedule appointment to see property. Know the market trends in the neighborhood Know school district lines Contact “The Right Lender” Can

2 Reasons to Dump Your Grandmother’s Gas Space Heater

Space Heater

I remember my Grandmother’s kitchen (and her family room and her bathroom and her bedroom)!! She would say, “Come on in son and stand by the heater, you look cold!” I also remember another feature about her house. Her windows fogged up

Life’s Soup Bowl All Boils Down to Trust

In early November-2013, in Las Vegas, NV, there’s a student competition underway. The ad goes something like this: ABC’s Construction Management Competition (CMC) is a hallmark competition that promotes careers in construction management.  In addition to providing a significant learning opportunity, the competition fosters

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