Why Some Buyers Walk Away, and Others Negotiate: Hidden Home Issues Decoded

Man and Woman Thinking of Buying a Home

How do you treat different client types? A good home inspector knows how to spot new paint or quick fixes. Over time, they develop a sixth sense of pending defects. Their job includes finding those issues and clearly reporting them. However, knowing

The Intricacies of Re-Inspection: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to home inspections, a re-inspection offers its own unique set of challenges. Unlike the initial survey, which provides a broad overview of a home’s condition, re-inspections focus on specific areas that have undergone repairs. In this article, I’d like

How To Get A Free Personal Assistant

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Everyday tasks are boring – let’s face it. I’m talking about the copy/paste tasks of social media production, email that includes redundant or responsive text and even checking on the weather! What if you had help with these, and dozens of other

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