The Danger Zone: A Home Inspector’s Guide to Navigating Emotions and Expectations

Every home inspector eventually develops a kind of sixth sense—not just for the house itself, but also for the strong emotions that come with every inspection. It’s not just about checking the pipes, wiring, or cracks; it’s about understanding people, their dreams,

Know The Difference: Municipal Code Inspectors vs Building Consultants

When buying or selling a home, you should know two key figures: the municipal code inspector and the building consultant (home inspector). While both inspect buildings, their roles, responsibilities, and how they serve you differ significantly. Let’s explore these differences to help

The Truth About Home Inspection Reports – Or Says This Carpenter!

This video is aimed at home buyers who are about to get a home inspection report. The speaker, who is a carpenter himself, aims to educate home buyers about what to expect from a home inspection report and how to get the

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