ARRA allocated $2.8 million to Mississippi to develop and administer a residential rebate program for the purchase of ENERGY STAR-rated appliances. MDA’s Energy Division will partner with utility companies and retailers to promote the program statewide, encouraging Mississippians to replace existing, energy inefficient appliances with new ones. This rebate program will save energy and stimulate the economy by encouraging consumers to replace old appliances with new ENERGY STAR qualified models.
This program is scheduled to begin April 22nd, 2010.
Eligible Appliances under SEEARP:
- Dishwashers
- Room Air Conditioners
- Refrigerators
- Clothes Washers
- Freezers
- Gas Storage Water Heaters
- Tankless Water Heaters
- Geothermal Heat Pumps
- Heat Pump Water Heaters
- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Gas Furnaces
- Central Air Conditioners
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