How to Prevent Your Garage from Being Broken Into

Do you leave the door leading from your garage into your home unlocked? You may want to reconsider that option. As a Mississippi Licensed Home Inspector recognizing potential danger zones is one of my primary concerns. I’ve noticed a potential safety risk

5 Warning Signs of an Unsafe Deck

There about 40 million decks in the US. About 1/2 of them need either repairing or replacement. The cause? Improper construction or/and lack of maintenance. July 28th – 2013 :: Tinley Park, IL Fourteen people were injured Saturday night after the second-floor deck of

Top 5 Reason’s To Recommend SafeHome Inspections

Top 5 reason’s why I’m the best choice to deliver your professional home inspection. 1. No other home inspector has more experience in residential construction. (isn’t that the “real reason” you hire the inspector – to make an informed decision.) 2. Reliability starts with

#1 on My Top 10 Most Reported Safety Conditions – Range Anti-Tip

This is one of my Top Ten most reported home inspection conditions. Free-standing, slide-in, and built-in kitchen ranges can tilt forward when too much pressure is applied to an open oven door. Tipping the oven may result in injuries, scalds, and/or burns from

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