There is nothing better than learning a few plumbing tips and tricks.
Here’s how to identify (and install) temporary pipe repair clamps – the key term here… “temporary”. This type repair can often allow the pipe to be kept in use until a permanent repair can be arranged.
I’m most impressed by the Kibosh rapid pipe repair clamp. It’s a great product for leaking copper or pex water pipe. The clamp is easily installed – – using NO TOOLS! I suggest you toss a couple into your inspection bag or maintenance drawer! (jump to 24:00 into the vid)

Ideal for all trades people; Plumbers, Joiners, Builders, Electricians, Carpet Layers, Inspectors as well as maintenance, janitorial and DIY’ers who could accidentally damage a pipe with a nail, drill, jigsaw or any other sharp power or hand tool.
It’s perfect to repair frost damaged burst pipe!
- Quick, easy closing and effective leaking pipe repair
- Can be fit in place while the leak is still in full flow
- Excellent water saving and damage limitation device
- Help prevent expensive insurance claims
- Suitable for copper, pex and multilayer leaking pipe
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