What if you went to the grocery store each day or each week and at the end of the month the store sent you a bill for all the food you’d bought. No specifics details on how many gallons of milk or boxes of cereal, just a big bill and a thank you. Well, that’s how we buy electrical power. One bill, you have no idea which room or appliance used the product or if your meter has made a math error. How can you effectively manage something you don’t measure? It’s simple…you can’t.
As an energy auditor and home energy retrofit contractor we want to empower you! Power to the people…RIGHT ON!
Watch our blog in the coming weeks for an introduction to a device to help you not only take control of your power usage but the knowledge to save money and add value to your home. We’ll show you how easy it is to put those hard earned dollars back in your pocket, create a healthier home with better air quality and teach your children, friends and family how they can do the same. Watch this video for a sneak peek.
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