Sewage Ejection Pump Maintenance and Reporting

Waste Ejector Pump System

A visual inspection of a sewage ejector pump system is typically limited unless there are accessible service records, written documentation, or apparent signs of malfunction (such as noise, odor, or leaks). Below is a breakdown of a sewage ejector pump’s maintenance schedules,

Water Pipe Insulation Rules in Mississippi and Why Your Pipes Will Most Likely Freeze

Most Mississippians live in climate zone 3, and pipe insulation is at the core of the defense against freezing temps. This thermal barrier can help slow heat loss to its colder surroundings. However, don’t assume your new home meets the minimum standard

How to Determine the Size of a Tankless Water Heater

Sizing a tankless water heater involves determining the hot water demand for your home and selecting a unit that can deliver the necessary hot water flow rate. Whether buying a home with a tankless heater already installed or converting your tank-style heater, there are a few factors to consider.

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