The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) recently released the 2012 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. After the grades were tallied, Mississippi ranked 51st—lowest of all the states and Washington, DC, and down from last year’s 49th ranking. Please consider contacting your state representative and senator & encouraging them to support these bills pending in this session.
The 2013 session of the Mississippi Legislature has seen an abundance of energy-related measures brought to the consideration of the state’s senators and representatives. A list of these legislative pieces includes:
HB 1296/SB 2792: The Mississippi Energy Sustainability and Development Act
HB 1181/SB 2564: Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund
HB 793: Refundable credits for the purchase and installation of solar electric energy systems
HB 1591: Refundable credits for the purchase and installation of solar energy systems or energy efficiency services
HB 297: Credit for the purchase and installation of solar water heater systems
HB 1134/SB 2755: Mississippi Public Utility Rate Mitigation and Reduction Act
HB 894: Authorization for the Mississippi Public Service Commission to establish a multi-year new generation rate recovery plan
HB 329: Authorization of a credit for new alternative fueling property
In addition to legislation listed above, two dockets exist before the Mississippi Public Service Commission related to sustainability. They are:
Docket 2010-AD-2: Order establishing a docket to investigate the development and implementation of energy efficiency programs and standards
Docket 2011-AD-2: Order establishing a docket to investigate the development and implementation of net metering programs and standards