As a licensed home inspector and construction coach I’m familiar with AFCI protection. I want homeowners to understand what it is, and why it’s so important. To keep this topic in perspective, it’s best to start with your local building code compliance
When I inspect and report the surface conditions of brick and concrete, and use the term efflorescence, it has more aesthetic rather than structural consequences.
I’m interested in educating the public about the fallacies of only looking at price per square foot because it can lead to inaccuracies when estimating the value of your home, especially when you use it to arrive at an asking price for your home.
:: Nail Pops – Interior Trim Cracks – Bowed Stud Walls :: These conditions could have very little to do with the quality of the sub-contractors and more to do with how the builder stored his lumber during construction, the temp and
Well, DOE is at it again. As of January 1, 2015 A/C manufacturers are being asked to increase the efficiency to 14 SEER. However, if you live in certain climate zones your builder may not be required to install a higher efficiency systems. That’s because folks in colder climates don’t use an air conditioner as much as we do down south. I’m in Mississippi.