💧 TANKLESS WATER HEATER MAINTENANCE – A tankless water heater is NOT a set-it and forget-it type appliance. Based on water quality and other operating functions, you’ll want to flush the water heater heat exchanger at least every 18 months or so and more often if your water has a high mineral content..
- IMPORTANT – It’s best to search and download the owner’s manual for ALL appliances in your home – especially the tankless water heater owner’s manual.
- Here’s a VIDEO that can help point you in the right direction (or scroll down to watch the video). Most models use the same flushing system valves. This video was created by Noritz.
- Here’s a STEP-BY-STEP procedure to follow if you want to tackle the task on your own.
- Is your water heater installed in the attic? Contact a plumbing contractor to perform this task if you’re not sure or not comfortable working with water that may leak into your ceiling.
HINT :: This is much easier than you think!
What you’ll need:
1- submersible pump (about $90 bucks)
1- set of washing machine hose (about $10 – $15 bucks)
1- 5 gallon bucket
4 gallons of White Vinegar ($2 – $3 bucks per gal)
If you have difficulty with any step call a professional plumbing contractor or contact us for help. 601-454-5559
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