Open Letter Promoting MS Model Energy Codes

Power Meter in Mississippi

SafeHome Inspections is a property and building inspection company working collaboratively to advance the goal of safe and more energy efficient construction in Mississippi. We inspect pre and post construction conditions of homes built in the magnolia state. Our efforts are to advance and promote energy efficient construction techniques and we hold energy efficient construction as our highest priority. We, our partners and fellow inspectors embrace a vision of clean energy where conservation and efficient construction is the cornerstone of our state and national energy policy.

New 2015 SEER Rating on Air Conditioners


Well, DOE is at it again. As of January 1, 2015 A/C manufacturers are being asked to increase the efficiency to 14 SEER. However, if you live in certain climate zones your builder may not be required to install a higher efficiency systems. That’s because folks in colder climates don’t use an air conditioner as much as we do down south. I’m in Mississippi.

The Return Air Chase – Misunderstood and Often Abused

Air Conditioning and Heating Unit

Indoor air and it’s quality depend on the design of the interconnected parts of your home; somewhat like the knee bone is connected to the hip bone. Air quality can suffer when there are poor connections or no connections within the return air system.

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