Real Estate Reality

Power Use – If you can’t measure it you can’t improve it.

What if you went to the grocery store each day or each week and at the end of the month the store sent you a bill for all the food you’d bought. No specifics details on how many gallons of milk or boxes of cereal, just a big bill and a thank you. Well, that’s how we buy electrical power. One bill, you have no idea which room or appliance used the product or if your meter has made a math error. How can you effectively manage something you don’t measure? It’s simple…you can’t.

We Want to Sell and Want to Know the Value of a Home Energy Rating

Statistics show that lowering home energy usage directly improves value. This notion is supported by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ENERGY STAR, FHA and VA financing instruments. When you increase the value through energy savings the increase is recognized in the new loan. A potential buyer will consider cost to operate the home, but only if informed. Information and education is the key to using the homes energy consumption as a sales marketing tool.

Annual Maintenance Extends the Life of Your Deck

Nothing (we can think of) beats great barbecue sandwiches and outdoor family fun. Sometimes the fun happens on an outdoor deck. Follow our tips and advice to keep you deck safe and maintained throughout the season! To ensure years of carefree, easy

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