Real Estate Reality

The Golden Rule – Reciprocate

Reciprocity: in-kind, whether positive or negative, responses for the actions of others. Or…as mentioned in “The Golden Rule”, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. But, do you “expect” something from others when you offer a favor? For me, reciprocity is centered more on “trading” favors than making a negotiation or a contract with another person. Because there is a sense of future obligation with reciprocity it can help to develop and continue relationships with people. I think that’s why “Word of Mouth” advertising is still one of the most effective tools in your Marketing Handbag.

Safe Buildings Save Lives – 10 Fire Safety Tips for Your Home

As a code certified building inspector I’d like to remind you of what it takes to create and sustain safe/sustainable structures. The campaign reinforces the need for adoption of modern, model building codes, a strong and efficient system of code enforcement and a well-trained, professional workforce to maintain the system. The awareness program is presented by the 50,000 strong International Code Council and in partnership of professional associations like ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.

Facebook Check-In Marketing – Step 2

As I travel about my local market and perform home inspections I find myself repeatedly visiting the same neighborhoods each month. I recognized that each neighborhood has two identifying characteristics, a name and an address. Also, I noticed that the Facebook Mobile Device App has a feature that allows the user to record both types of data, the subdivision name and its GEO location. For the purpose of my CM, I use

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